Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Day of School 2009

The first day of school is always a little bittersweet for me. I know I will miss the freedoms of summer--less strict schedules, sleeping in...etc. I do like getting back into a routine and schedule so that is nice. This year is interesting because my oldest will be going to school for her final year while my youngest, Grant, will be going to the school for the first time. How did we do that?? It certainly wasn't planned. Anyway, here a few pics. of our sweethearts getting ready to go! They are precious!!:) Lauren, Allie, Taylor, Grant, and Davis.
Our sweet senior!!

Davis is going to third grade.

Lauren is going to 9th grade--her last year at Poston!

Cute Allie--she will be in 5th grade.

Grant is going to Kindergarten. What a cutie!