Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Our Halloween pumpkins this year--we carved a third pumpking--it was a the headless horseman and it looked really cool. Unfortunately, the pumpkin became rotten before Halloween!! It didn't make a pretty picture!
Allie was our Indian Princess! She looked adorable!

Taylor was a college student!
We were able to snap this photo before she rushed off to be with her friends!

Davis was a skeleton!

OHHH Scary!

Grant was a Matrix dude!

OHHH Scary!
Lauren was an 80s chick--hopefully pics will come later!!
It stinks when your kids don't want to hang out with you on Halloween!

Trampoline Fun!

Now that the weather has cooled off, our kids love jumping on the trampoline! Even Tyrel jumps with them!

Even Brewser likes to jump!!
Cracking the egg!

Jumping is exhausting work! These are some cute kids!