On May 30, 2011 I had the opportunity of a lifetime! I am in a choir called EVMCO (Ease Valley Mormon Choral Organization) which is part of MCOA (Mormon Choral Organizations of America). We have a sister choir in Orange County. Our choir has 200 adult members and a full orchestra. We have a Sunbeam Choir, Children's Choir, Youth Choir, and Concert Choir. Being part of this choir has been a wonderful thing. It is the hardest thing I've ever done but one of the most rewarding things I've ever done because I love to sing. Our conductors are brothers, Brandon and Brett Stewart. They are unbelievably talented especially considering how young they are. Brett is a composer and has written an Oratorio for full orchestra, choir and 4 soloists that documents the visit of Jesus to the Nephites on the American continent. The music is so amazing and beautiful. It will definitely make its mark on the world.
Now that you have the background we had the opportunity to record and perform this beautiful work. Our recording will come out in the Fall and our performance was in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. It was such a fun thing to do. It was very demanding--I am still exhausted--but very worthwhile!! I am so thrilled to be part of this organization!!
Allie came with me to Salt Lake and our first stop was visiting my high school friend and college roommate , Melonie Stauffer. Love her!! When we get together, we pick up right where we left off. We can talk for hours. Just ask Allie--she was bored to tears until........
Maggie picked her up and took her to my brother, Jimmy's house (also Maggie's dad!) Here is Maggie with Dazie. I must say they are all three beautiful. Ryker and Maddox were in the car but I didn't get a good pic. of them.
Our first day of recording. Here is Christie Godfrey--a very good friend and my car pool buddy to our rehearsals every Thurs. night. She has a beautiful soprano voice so I don't sit by her in the choir.
Ok. Here they are--our wonderful conductors. Brandon is on the left and Brett is on the right. Here they are taking a much needed rest. Can you believe how young they are?? They are so talented!!
Here is Jodi Reed. She is the one that told me about the choir. She grew up with the Stewart brothers. After we both joined the choir she moved to CA and sings in their choir. It was so great to see her!! She is such a wonderful person!
The Women getting seated for our first practice in the tabernacle!! It was so surreal!
The view from my seat!! Wahoo!!

Aletha, Becky and me!! These are my choir buddies--we sit next to each other and they keep me on my note!
After our rehearsal I met Sandy, Morgan and Michelle for lunch. They had just driven up from Idaho for my concert. Maggie dropped Allie off for me. We ate at a place called the Blue Lemon.
It was fabulous food but even better than the food was the company!!
Here is a pic of Allie in front of the Salt Lake Temple. I thought I had turned the picture but evidently I hadn't. Sorry!

My second attempt didn't work either but she is still cute to look at!
The conference center seating! It is massive-- or as Michelle would say "Huge" with a silent "H"="uge"!
Rocky, Michelle, Cindy and Allie waiting to go into the concert!
Jimmy and Sandy:)
Cindy, Allie, Angie (Rocky's wife), and Morgan.
After the concert I was on cloud 9! It was so great!! I also had to take a picture with all my fans! Michelle, my cousin, Cindy, and me.

Kevin and Cindy Andrews, me, my Aunt Joan and Uncle Spence. I bunked at Aunt Joan's house. She is my mom's sister and I just love being around her because I see my mom in her expressions.:)
Mel, Me, and Steph Cooley--BYU college roommates reunited! It was too much fun!!
Aletha, Becky and me!! These are my choir buddies--we sit next to each other and they keep me on my note!
My second attempt didn't work either but she is still cute to look at!
Kevin and Cindy Andrews, me, my Aunt Joan and Uncle Spence. I bunked at Aunt Joan's house. She is my mom's sister and I just love being around her because I see my mom in her expressions.:)