Monday, May 2, 2011

Locks of Love

Allie has the thickest most gorgeous hair ever!! It has a natural wave to it that make it beautiful.
Her school, Highland Arts Elementary, recently had "Locks of Love" come in and give a free haircut and style to anyone that would donate 10 inches of hair. Allie decided she wanted to do it because it is for a great cause.

Besides--10 inches off of this head of hair still gives her shoulder length hair.

She had a support group cheering her on. Mylee (far left) was instrumental in getting Allie to make this decision.

Lauren and Taylor came to watch. Lauren was thrilled, while Taylor cried.

Seriously, they were part of the cheering section.Marking 10 inches. She could give 20 inches...

Get ready and....


The worst part is that you'll have to wait for an after picture. My camera's batteries died right after I took this picture. Sad, huh? I can tell you she looks really cute!

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful! It is hard to part with your hair! I had a friend in high school with alopecia, she wore a wig and had to draw in her eyebrows. We were 16. I know she was grateful for someone donating hair for her wig. What a great girl you've got there!!
